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Sketch plugin basics

Learn the plugin fundamentals

Edward Boatman avatar
Written by Edward Boatman
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will learn:

  • Why we created the Sketch plugin

  • What types of assets the plugin supports

  • What the plugin allows you to do

  • Where to learn about using the plugin

We created the plugin so you can use Lingo to store and distribute everything you create in Sketch—UI components, icons, logos, and more. To make this work, the plugin supports: Symbols, Text Styles, Layer Styles, Artboards, Groups, and Layers.

At its core, the plugin allows you to move assets between Sketch and Lingo. This is, you can add assets from a Sketch file to Lingo. Later, you or your teammates can grab those assets from Lingo and use them in Sketch.

Additionally, the plugin is jam-packed with features that make it easy to manage and share your design systems created in Sketch.

The following articles will teach you the ins and outs of the plugin:

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