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Sharing a Kit

How to share a Kit with other people

Edward Boatman avatar
Written by Edward Boatman
Updated over a week ago

In Lingo Kits can be private, public or password-protected. All kits are private by default. 

  • Private Kits are only accessible by members of your Space. You can change member permissions on a per-kit basis.

  • Public Kits are accessible by anyone with the link to the Kit - no Lingo account required.

  • Password-protected Kits are accessible by anyone that has the link and password to the Kit - no Lingo account required.

Note that these features are not available on all plans, so you may not see them as described below. Check our pricing page to see what features your plan has.

How to Share a Kit

Open the Kit you want to share and select "Share Kit" in the upper right corner of the app. You will see a modal that contains different sharing options.

1.Share via link

This section of the modal gives you options to change who can access the kit with a link. By default all kits are private - meaning that only the users listed in the modal have access when logged in.

To make your Kit public, click the "Enable public access" option below the link. The option will then change to say "Revoke public access", so you can make the Kit private again.

To setup a password for your Kit, first make it public, then click the "Require password" option below the link. You'll then need to create and save a password. Password protection is only available on Enterprise plans.

2.Share with the team

This section of the modal lists the members of your team that have access to the Kit. Regardless of the link settings above, these users can always access the kit when logged in.

To add more people, type their name or email into the field above the list. If you don't see who you are looking for, you'll need to add them as a member of your space and assign them a user role. Learn more

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