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Moving, copying and referencing assets

Learn how to re-organize your assets and create asset references

Wes Byrne avatar
Written by Wes Byrne
Updated over 2 years ago

Effectively organizing assets in your kits is key to helping users find what they are looking for. As libraries evolve and grow you may find that you need to re-organize content to make it easier to browse.

Moving Assets

For help reordering assets within the same section see Reordering Assets and Sections.

Moving assets in the same kit

To move assets to a different section in the same kit you can simply drag them to one of the sections in kit navigator. The assets will be appended to the end of the section. From there you can open the section and move them to the desired position.

Moving assets to a different kit

In the web app, first select the asset(s) you want to move then either:

  • Select "Move to" in the bottom bar/inspector

  • Right click and select "Move to..."

In the dialog select the kit and section you want to move the assets to.

In the Mac app you will need to copy (⌘C) the assets, paste (⌘V) them in the new kit then delete the originals. If you select an asset in the gallery before pasting, the copied assets will be inserted just after your selection.

Copying Assets

In the web app, first select the asset(s) you want to move then either:

  • Select "Move to" in the bottom bar/inspector

  • Right click and select "Move to..."

In the Mac app copying assets is as simple as copy/paste. Select the assets you want and right click > copy (or ⌘C) then open another kit and paste (⌘V). If you select an asset in the gallery before pasting, the copied assets will be inserted just after your selection.


References are a powerful way to organize assets in difference places without having to maintain duplicate metadata. For example, you may have a brand kit and press kit that both contain your logo. By creating a reference to the logo in both kits any changes made to the asset like renaming, updating tags or even replacing the file will automatically be reflected in both kits.

When you copy assets as described above you will be prompted to duplicate or create references.

  • Duplicate: creates a new copy of the asset that will maintain it's own file and metadata. If you change the tags on the copy the original asset will remain unchanged.

  • Reference: creates a link to the same underlying asset. If you change the name, add a tag, or even replace the file in one kit the changes will be reflected on all references.

Moving Sections

Sections can be moved in the web app and Mac app by right clicking the section.

Copying Sections

In the web app, right click a section, select "Copy to...". then select a kit to copy the section to. The new section will be appended to the selected kit.

As of May 2022, copying sections is not available in the Mac app.

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